Join us.

We’re building a network of folks who are pursuing God’s mission of reconciliation of all creation in their Salvation Army neighborhoods. Will you join us?

It’s simple. Begin by completing the form below.

What does it mean to be part of the collective? Good question! Right now, more than anything, it's an act of solidarity with what we're building -- a network of people who love cities and want to live the Good News in their neighborhood. We'll hit you up regularly to trade stories and tools from the field so that we can share them with the collective. As our network grows, we will: gather stories, ideas, and tools from the field to feature on our blog and across social media platforms; offer formation opportunities (apprenticeships, missional community, learning labs, practicum courses) for Collective members; and connect Salvationists (officers, soldiers, employees, and volunteers) whose hearts are for the city.
